Thursday, 30 April 2020

Digging Deep into Initial Data Part 2

Forms response chart. Question title: If you work in a satellite class, do you collaborate with your host school?. Number of responses: 42 responses.

  • Over a third of the satellite classes feel as though they do not collaborate with the host school.
  • Is the purpose of a satellite class not to just be a stand alone but to try and find ways of integrating some of the children’s learning alongside the mainstream. Using them as role models and vice versa.
  • It is an excellent resource right on their doorstep.
  • What are the barriers here???
In reflection: Satellite classes create an opportunity for better understanding among the community to then build stronger relationships. This is not just for students but benefits everyone in the school community. Are satellites offering opportunity for PD to host school?

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you collaborate with teacher aides  when they run learning stations?. Number of responses: 42 responses.

This is a very important aspect of a special school: the relationship between teacher and teacher aides. We are wanting to better understand how teacher aids are involved and playing to their strengths. According to the data currently over 75% of staff feel they are working alongside their teacher aides. Due to our high teacher aid ratio this is very important. In reflection: This graph was also depicted from information only from the teacher point of view, we are also wanting to ask teacher aids the same question. For collaboration to work well in the classroom there needs to be opportunities for group learning and break out space that in a special school is supported by teacher aid resources. Do teacher aides feel they understand the learning and activities? How can we best support this relationship to ensure successful and meaningful collaboration is in place?

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