Tuesday 22 November 2022



Burst and Bubbles came along:

Time for a recipe:

I would like to thank all the staff at Sommerville school as together you created a

vocabulary around collaboration and that is what i am using today.

My Granny said great baking can't be rushed.

I would like to share with you a recipe for collaborative teaching. 

This can lead to a tasty learning environment to support thriving learners.

Just watch the results: It’ll look and taste sensational!


4 heaped tablespoons of Open mindedness

4 heaped tablespoons of Communication

1 tablespoon of  Respect 

1 tablespoon of trust

A big handful of Support


  1. Mix the spoonfuls of open mindedness and communication in a bowl, stir for a while.

  2. Next add the tablespoons of respect and trust. Give it time and watch it grow. Just like yeast.

Listen to the thoughts and ideas that are shared.
3. For the final ingredients, throw in a big handful of support: like laughter, happiness,
celebrations, feedforward , honesty, warmth towards each other and aha moments.
4. Mix together thoroughly and let it stand.
5. Together there is a joint effort, and a partnership will grow. All the learning can be
6. It can not be rushed, invest time into it. Time allows you to create more opportunities
to learn from one another.
7. Finally you will see COLLABORATION. You will share common goals: look at the result:
collaborative teachers, collaborative environments support thriving learners.

For a little extra:

 As the Wonder pets: What’s gonna to work… team work!!!

This is not as tasty as a chocolate cake but it can be just as sweet: go on give it a try!

AND as one of my colleagues puts it

Simply put: Mahi tahi tatou: Let’s work together

Thank you to everyone who supported me when writing the recipe.

1 comment:

  1. I read through your posts and love the ideas and collaboration whakaaro you have for us. Also looking at learners needs and through their lens is everything.
